What Do I Post About?

I’ve done it. I’ve created my first ever website. I’ve always wanted to publish something on the internet and post things on it (through a YouTube channel or a blog), and now here I am. What I am to do with it? Well, that’s the million-dollar question. Guess I’ll just post about my day or something (will most likely be about KPOP though).

When I was creating pages and testing out posting, I had to figure out how to change the main page to a static page so that my blog page would… you know… be the actual blog page. That took some time looking at menus, but I finally got it.

I think the benefit of having your own website is that you get to manage it and you have the freedom to write about what you like. You can even ask for user input (sorry, CS is on my mind) and interact with your viewers. A drawback to this is that some people can be pretty rude in the comments or inconsiderate of others who visit your site and as its owner, you have to maintain the peace (I don’t think my site would get that much attention so…).

Check out my site if you want to!


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