Come on over!

Just as the title suggests, come on over to my brand new personal website! You can find your way there by clicking this link.

There isn’t much there now but I can only imagine the possibilities! Having a space to showcase my work, to share my knowledge, or even to have a little bit of control over how I am perceived on the internet are all now possible!

I can’t wait to put up some code, showcase projects from this class (and maybe others!), and share some thoughts about my work or the wacky world we live in. Both of which I know will take time to really show off the way I would like, as of right now my familiarity with Word Press and the tools at hand make it slow going. I can only imagine it to pick up with more time and practice!

Now I could do these things over on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc… or I could have gone out of my way to find something else to host this stuff but by setting up my own website (with Carleton’s help of course) I can keep it separate from my personal life while also feeling in control of my work. I can designate this space as one for not just friends and family but still a place that I get the final say on what goes on there.

All and all I am really excited to get to work populating this new site with some exciting projects, hopefully many from this very class!!


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