Designing My Own Website

As a senior suddenly pushed into the job search, I’ve been thinking about creating my own website for a while now. I always thought it would be incredibly useful to direct potential employers to a website where I could showcase my resume, biography, and accomplishments in an elegant manner. Now, I am happy to say I have my own website!

One of the biggest benefits of having my own website, compared to just using a social media platform such as LinkedIn, is that I have increased control over it. I can choose how I want to present my work rather than feel obligated to conform to LinkedIn’s template. I think there’s also something to be said for having a site that is independent of some social media company (such as Instagram or Facebook). You don’t have to worry about abiding by a company’s terms and conditions or new updates changing the look and feel of your content.

One of the drawbacks of using a website is that it is more static and less interactive. On social media, I can scroll through a feed and see updates about every person I follow. In contrast, a standalone website requires a person to constantly visit it to see new changes. Similarly, it is much harder to connect with other people through a website; I can’t message people or share posts. While websites are useful for displaying portfolios and sharing your work, they’re not great networking tools.

I am excited to add more content to my website and look forward to playing around with my new cPanel toolset.

Grace Brindle

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