Final Project Group Post: Carleton’s Mascots

Members: Wyen, Erika, Sonya, Jadie, Rodrick, and An

For our project, we will be making 3D models of the official and unofficial mascots at Carleton. In addition to the models, we will also gather information about the background of each mascot on campus and share a story about how they were made into statues to display on campus. We have four ideas for the statues that we want to focus on.

  • Oscar the penguin in the library
  • Toff the cat in the library
  • The Knight in Sayles
  • Schiller that we have zero information about and welcome any insight on where and how we might be able to take photos of it.

The members on campus will take photos of the statues while the other members gather sources from the library’s archives (week 7-8). After taking the photos, we will use photogrammetry to construct a 3D model using Agisoft’s software (week 8-9). Finally, we plan on embedding these models into a website where the audience can take a look at the model and read the story behind each statue.

We think the Virtual Hampson Museum is a good model for what we plan to do.


  1. Team Mascot,
    This is a really fun project idea and I like the basic concept a lot. As An points out in her personal post, getting photos of the four different objects will present different challenges. For the library and Sayles objects, I would highly recommend asking staff if they could move the objects to a table or onto a turntable to facilitate full 360 degree coverage. The British Museum’s DH program made a number of photogrammetry models and all of their photos are available on github which you should check out for some of their method.

    For Schiller, I would recommend scouring the archives, web site, flickr, instagram, etc. for as many images as you can find of the bust and seeing if metashape can work with them. Chances are it won’t, but it would be a great experiment! You could even try to use the video footage from the last episode of desperate housewives if you can find the clip!

    The Hampson museum offers a good model for a collection gallery, but I would think individual pages for each to tell their story would be in order. If they travel a lot (as the penguin and Schiller have, at least) a map of their journey might be a nice addition?

    This week, work on framing out what you hope to find and how you hope to present it in a little more detail, in addition to the technical side of making the models.

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