Final Project Proposal: How Has Changed Over the Years?

Members: Chisom Oguh, Kavon Hooper, Gabby Reynaga, Alyssa Ehrhardt

For the project, we will be studying the changes in the Carleton Homepage website between 1996-2020.

Source: Using Wayback Machine, we will access screenshots of the website from 1996 to 2020

Process: We will use text analysis tools like Voyant to analyze word frequency and also possibly perform a visual analysis to see how the design on the website has changed over the years (similar to the “cover averages” study done in Robots Reading Vogue).

Presentation: Plans for presentation are:

  • A graph showcasing the most frequently used
  • A graph representing what words were added over time and analyzing their “impact”
  • Possible webpage made with WordPress

We have no specific timeline until Tuesday, but the plan is that there are 1.5 weeks of analysis and the rest for presentation.

DH Projects:



  1. Team Wayback,

    I like the direction of this project, and am really interested to see what you all turn up. A few comments on the components here:
    1) When doing text analysis, you’ll probably want to create your own static archive by saving the HTML of each archived version of the page, rather than just image screenshots. That way, you can create your corpus from the HTML directly using Voyant or another tool, and not have to re-extract the text from images. Use a consistent file naming practice (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-index.html) to be able to better visualize change over time).
    2) If you are interested in topic modeling, Voyant has basic capabilities, but I would suggest you also look at Serendip, which is a topic modeling visualization suite Carleton’s own Eric Alexander helped develop. The latest version is available for free from github as SerendipSlim
    3) For image/design analysis, there are a lot of ways you can go. Web design has changed a lot over the years, so I would suggest someone find some literature on that to help you identify where Carleton was just following trends or technological capabilities and where it was making meaningful decisions. For color work like the Vogue piece, you can do manual overlays with photoshop or similar, but there are also some tools out there and this article on using ImageJ to analyze Disney films might be of interest.

    For this week, work on refining what exactly it is you plan to do, to what end, and when.

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