My Course website

I am not the most tech-savvy person, but creating my website was actually a fairly quick process. I think most of the difficulty comes in creating the small details of the site, but other than that, the process was fast. I feel like this is a skill that I may find useful in the future. I think I will use it as a personal blog about random ideas that I have or small events that happen in my life. In addition to using the site as an anecdotal space, I can see myself incorporating other hobbies of mine into it, such as poetry and drafting political ideas.

This is an awesome opportunity to develop a new skill and find a new way to express myself; however, I think there are some drawbacks to this type of platform. Creating a website is obviously more complex than creating a profile on a social media account such as Facebook or Twitter. Additionally, I feel like it is harder to get traffic/attention to a personal website than a social media account. That being said, I feel like having a personal site like this could benefit as a getaway page or a forum of personal development without the pressure or the vanity that comes from being in the public eye constantly.


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