My New Blog

After a lot of fiddling around with settings and installing plugins, I’m proud to present my new website! This trimester, this site will act as a hub for my Hacking the Humanities assignments and reflections. When this class is over, I may rebrand the website and use it as a personal blog to post my writing or a professional website to make myself more known and available to employers.

The coolest thing for me about creating my own website is the amount of creative freedom. I have sole control over the controls, layout and content of my blog. I’ve never been able to make anything online be so personal. However, I much prefer reading about other people’s experiences than writing about my own. I will miss the widespread sharing of opinions that exists on social media platforms and hosted web services. As damaging as those platforms can sometimes be, they create community and a connection in a way I can’t see my own blog doing.

While I don’t spend a lot of time contributing on most social media platforms, a lot of content on them feels more temporary. There are some programs like Twitter where you can access someone’s tweets from year’s before but there are an increasing amount of programs like Snapchat and Instagram stories that allow posts to only be displayed for 24 hours or less. There’s something both scary and exciting about creating a website, because it is much more permanent.

Either way, I am super excited to begin using it, in this class and beyond!

Above is a picture of the homepage of my new course blog!


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