My New Website

I’m so excited that I was able to create my own website. It was straightforward to add WordPress to a subdomain, but I had great difficulty changing the theme I chose. Generally, the set-up was very user-friendly. I was able to change the body’s background using CSS code, but I couldn’t change the title block’s color. If I had more CSS background knowledge, I would love to change it to a different color than grey.

On this platform, I plan on posting information relevant to our course. Over time, this may become my personal blog, but I will post my classwork and projects on this site for the time being.

There are many benefits to having your own website. Firstly, you can choose what you post and what others post. If you need to filter out a post, you can do so without reaching out to a host site. You also control your website’s design, and, as the administrator, you can personalize it as you want it to be. You can also choose who comments and what they comment on, which is useful to create high-quality content.

There are also some drawbacks of having one’s own website. First, as I previously discovered, some website design aspects are tough to do, and previously created websites have already fixed these issues. Also, having a website is a very hands-on task, as it is your job to monitor the content on this site. Larger companies have people who can do this hands-on work, which is part of why many people like having hosted websites.


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