My Website

Building my new website took a bit of getting used to at first — I still haven’t figured out all the things that I can do with WordPress. But I was able to mostly figure things out. The thing I’m most proud of is figuring out how to make (very subtle) changes through CSS. I didn’t want to overdo it, but I made the page a bit more colorful. Right now, having not posted anything, it is just the bare bones.

I decided that I would make a subdomain for my Digital Humanities blog. However, I do plan to use the domain space to make my own personal website for professional purposes as well. I would use that website for posting job information and blogging about my current projects and interests!

I think that the advantage of having my own website is that I can control all the content that goes into it, and personalize it on a level that is impossible on, say, social media. The drawback is that it is harder for people to find a website than a profile; although there are certainly ways to publicize it. I’m looking forward to getting started!


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