My word press

It has been a while since I have used WordPress so setting up my own site was interesting. As for what I plan to do with the site, I’m not sure yet. At the moment I want to display my art, and picture of my dog 🙂

What benefits or drawbacks come with “rolling your own” website instead of signing up for a hosted service or using a social media platform?

One benefit I enjoy is full customization I get, rather than everything displayed like everyone else ( even though mine right now is very minimalist- to reflect my attempt at a minimalist life style). The downside is all the back end stuff I have to manage and deal with myself, such as monitoring and promoting.



  1. Hi Gabby,
    I really like the theme you picked for your website. What theme was it? Also I thought that your title was funny and I think that as soon as I am done writing this comment I will check out your dog’s page on your new website. Have you had any previous experience with the process of making your own website before this?

    • Hey! I never saw this, sorry!! I definitely have a post now about my dog, I don’t if I did then. The theme is Period WordPress Theme.

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