Network Analysis

Large network forming connections between different artist.

The nodes in this network are artist each having something that forms a connection (edge) with another specific individual. In order to see each persons characteristics and background information the viewer needs to click on a node and the network contracts to a smaller web.

Web specifically for Sonia Delaunay

At first glance this smaller web shows that their are relationships between the selected artist and the artist surrounding that individual. In addition to this, the networks details what the selected artist has created, where their from, and other specific personal characteristics like interest, birthplace, workplaces, etc.

This project allows for its viewers to not only get to know the artist they wish to learn about, but also gain the opportunity to efficiently gather additional information about other artist using an efficient and simplistic outlet. By using a network like this research could involve far less anxiety and scouring through unreliable sources that fails to provide organized information.



  1. Great post! I agree that your point about how the user can gather information about other related artists is an advantage of using digital tools, and it might be something useful in education or museums.

  2. Nice summarization. I thought this project was interesting just because of the sheer amount of information about each person. It drew connections that never would’ve occurred to me. I think your point about using this for research s thought provoking. This project definitely involved a ton of research on the back end and it really could make research easier, as a nice summarization.

  3. Vick, it was really interesting to hear about this project! I really appreciated your point regarding the fact that graphs like this allow one to learn more about additional artists beyond a particular one that the user may have originally had in mind, ultimately shedding light on an artist’s network from a different perspective. That kind of “see the bigger picture” thinking is one of the reasons I really enjoy network visualizations!

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