Personal Website: Evelyn


I’m not 100% sure I did everything right, it doesn’t look like the main page (remove the /about-me/ part of the URL) is very secure, but I don’t really know what to do about that at the moment. I’m also somewhat concerned that the site isn’t using https, but I also can’t figure out how to get that working either.

What I did get working was the CSS, and while I’d love to change that red color to something else, at least I made the color of the text gold to match the title. I’ve also got akismet installed, although I haven’t gotten around to playing with more plugins yet. This is clearly a WIP, but at least it’s running.

This is what I see as the upside of using a process like this: it’s much faster. It would have taken me much longer to get a site that looks like this together just using HTML and CSS on my own. On the other hand, it’s also incredibly restricting. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to get the CSS editor working on the site, and even then it seems I can’t edit any of the aspects decided by the “theme”. I’m concerned about running up against larger issues in the future, but right now I’m just content to have this working.

As for applications…it’s a blog. Part of me has kind of wanted to do a blog about video games, given how many Hot Takes I have on that subject, but I’m not sure how practical that is given my lack of experience with web design.


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