Since we confirmed our project topic in week 7, we have been collecting photos and background information on our four mascots (Oscar the penguin, Toff the cat, the Knight, and Schiller). As of right now, we are polishing our 3D model of Oscar and Toff using Agisoft’s software and setting up our WordPress site.

The biggest problem we have run into this week is photo collection. Schiller is nowhere to be found on campus and available photos of the bust are scarce. It is also difficult to take photos of the back of the Knight and Oscar due to the glass display cases they are in. To address this issue, we plan to supplement any lacking collection of photos taken in person with photos from the Carletonian archive, flicker, Instagram, etc, and may also create models that include their display cases.  

It seems like we are still on track with our project so far:) Here is our timeline of deliverables:

  • 8th week: Do some background research on the mascots and take pictures for photogrammetry
  • 9th week: Start working on photogrammetry (An, Wyen, Erika) and constructing the website (Jadie, Sonya, Rodrick). Whoever finishes their tasks first will work on our group presentation



  1. I have a 3D model of little Schiller and I know who has big Schiller on campus at the moment. Or at least did like two weeks ago. I can email you their contact information/the 3D scan, if you’d like.

  2. Team Mascots,
    It looks like your 3D modeling is well under way and I am excited to see the results. As you start to build the website, think about how the users will find and interact with your models and materials. What are the individual stories they tell, but what too is the overarching frame of the project? How does the DH approach offer something new or answer new questions? One possibility, in these covid times, is facilitating access. You might consider adding a map of the locations of each statue, so that your readers can know where they are, and maybe even virtually travel to visit them, if you want to include a storymap as a form of navigation?

    For the images, I would encourage you to ask for access to the statues or to have them moved, if you haven’t already. And let me know if you have trouble getting access to the IdeaLab machines. I would love to see these models run at high resolution.

    And take Bridger up on his offer if you haven’t already! (Though you should still try to produce your own model, and discuss the challenges of attempting the process with only archival images)

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