So We Coding Now?

“The literary avant-garde has discovered computer languages, with so-called code work emerging as a new poetic genre. Code work blends functional computer code with creative composition.”

Matthew Kirschenbaum, “Hello Worlds (why humanities students should learn to program),” May 23, 2010

Code is more than just a system designed for solving problems and making programs run faster. Coding also involves the use of creativity and literay prowes to develop complex pieces of art using a differn’t kind of language. In this day in age digital humanities students should learn how to code, because with the way media in society is developing coding will always play an important role in creating accesible content. Crucial resources like websites require some knowledge of coding in order to function correctly. Without having the skills to be self reliant in terms of making minor changes to ones web page or digital piece, one would have to either spend money hiring someone to fix simple problems, or rely on someone who may or may not be reliable.

My experience with coding has involved a lot of learning moments. Some moments would be me comprehending a new coding language, while others may be me understanding the methodical approach to both human and computerized problem solving. Both of these instances could prove to be a very useful skill for those studying in the digital humanities, because they both open up opportunities to build ones comprehension skills and writing structure. I also took a computational media course that shows just how relevant coding has become in field of literature. Computers have aided poets, story tellers, producers, and many other like artist in creating pieces of work using computer generated plot structures and poems. As the coding industry continues to expand so will its relevance in society and in digital humanities. Digital humanities students need to learn how to code now before they are left behind in terms of capabilities and skills.


<h1>Why Cant Penguins Fly?!</h1>

<p>Some people think penguins cant fly, because their bones are to thick and they are too big. I for one think this is completely false!</o>
<p>Here are some reasons why penguins.</p>

    <li>Reason #1: Too many predators.</li>
        <li>Polar bears find it hard to find penguins to eat, but if they see them flying around then they would be able to follow them back to their dwellings.</li>
        <li>Leopoard seals cannot fly and are verry slow on land, so penguins must give them a chance at survival. </li>
    <li>Reason #2: Its too cold!</li>
        <li>Who would want to be in the air flying and fanning the cold when its already below 0?</li>
    <li>Reason #3: They eat too much.</li>
        <li>Long story short, penguins spend their day eating, singing, tapping, then eating again. They dont get much excercise unless their tryna fishing for food, or trying not to be food. </li>
    <li>Their large figure would never allow them to glide through the sky freely.</li>




One Comment

  1. Hi Vick, I thought your argument was really convincing! I especially liked the line about the importance of self reliance and the comment you made that without familiarity with coding, you would need to hire someone for every little problem, which may actually create more problems if that person is unreliable.

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