Virtual Angkor

The Virtual Angkor DH project is a collaboration between virtual history specialists, archaeologists, and historians. The goal of the project is to create a 3D model so that students and historians can tour the ancient temple.

The Virtual Angkor project looked at various of maps and historical recounts of Angkor Wat and the surrounding area while making this project. These posts came from both online sources as well as printed sources. One of the most interesting sources looked to climate change as the reason that Angkor Wat and its civilizations fell.

The presentation of Virtual Angkor is the best part of the project. The site states that the project is best viewed using a VR system, but videos of the project are available even without. These videos show everything from the temple to the day-to-day life of the people who lived around Angkor Wat. The 3D model of the Angkor Wat temple is incredible.

Bridger Rives

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