Walkthrough for TinkerCAD

I chose to do a walkthrough using the online website called TinkerCAD. This is the first 3D software I learned how to use and I think it works well for people who aren’t big in 3D computer-aided design or don’t want to spend so much time on this portion of their project.

TinkerCAD can be used to create 3D models for 3D printing, Laser cutting, or to make an easy model of an object.

note: I didn’t have a mouse so I was using the built in mousepad on my computer, which is the reason I kept mis-clicking and accidently moving the wrong thing.

I hope you enjoy, I had fun making it. It was unscripted so I did mess up and have commentary 🙂

For Further information about TinkerCAD here are a few links:



  1. Hi Gabby, thank you for this awesome tutorial! I’ve never encountered this tool before but I really like how new-comer friendly it is! Thank you for going into so much detail of making a Pokeball and demonstrating how to use the various tools!

  2. I think your tutorial was really fun to watch! I can see how TinkerCAD could be easier than SketchUp (because it gives you 3D shapes from the get-go). I don’t like how grouping objects together means having the objects all become the same color, but that’s alright. This is definitely something I can use to just have fun and make random 3D models.

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