Web Development Fundamentals

I think that it is unnecessary for humanities students to be required to learn code. My primary reasons for believing this is that Computer Science courses and others involving code are available for anyone to take so it is not like the humanities students are barred from learning to code. There is just different material that the humanities students need to learn that those who code don’t.

Evan Donahue states, “Thus, students should learn to program, but they should not let their inability to program prevent them from engaging with the computer sciences”. To me this shows that coding is not a necessity but rather an additional resource that can make it easier for one to succeed in certain majors. Since some people struggle with coding so greatly, I think it would be of great value to not mandate students to learn code as it will deter some from the humanities permanently.

Prior to this, I have had no coding experience whatsoever. Both of my roommates last year and a lot of my close friends at Carleton are all prospective Computer Science or have at least taken a few classes in the department. Needless to say, I definitely know how daunting an assignment for that class can be and how frustrating it can be when the code doesn’t run correctly. My roommates last year were typically out trying to finish up until like 2 trying to finish their projects the night before they were due. Coding is extremely difficult to master and can often interrupt the students other classes. My roommates from last year pretty much only had time for their Computer Science class so why is it important to learn to code if it will mean that is all you are able to study.

Will Stepanski

One Comment

  1. Hi Will, I totally agree with your points. I also don’t think that coding should be required for humanities students and I think you summed it up really well by saying that there is different material students in each discipline need to learn. I also have a lot of coding friends at Carleton and it seems stressful and time-consuming. I am all for humanities students learning coding, but it shouldn’t be a requirement in the humanities field.

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