Week 1: Quotation Assignment

“The last 50 years saw the growth of increasing discomfort with inherited curricula, which were rightly seen as constrained by issues of race, class, gender, and first-world biases rooted in Eurocentric traditions. An important battle took place—to open reading lists and discussion sections to a wider range of voices”.

Burdick et al. “One: Humanities to Digital Humanities,” in Digital_Humanities (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012), 23.

This passage grabbed my attention because it is extremely relevant to the political climate of today. We see all the injustices that past leaders have set up and work together to try and correct them. This is exactly the same in the education system. There was a direct focus on reading only certain subjects that people long ago had deemed important. The world has changed drastically in the last 50 years and out educational experience should change along with it.

This quote has shaped my future plans in a way of showing the importance of change. It shows that there is no one way of doing things forever, but rather these things change from generation to generation and with all the new technologies introduced. I hope to influence the world in a way that will make it easier for my future children and their whole generation to thrive in a modern society that emphasizes the importance of correcting past wrongs.

I am unsure which areas of inquiry, methods, and techniques that I am most eager to pursue because I don’t really have any background knowledge in any of the topics. However, I am excited to learn how to build my own website and manage my online presence. I really enjoyed using SketchUp once I got used to it so I think that I would enjoy getting to work more with 3d models this term.

Will Stepanski

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