WordPress Experience: An

This was my first time using WordPress to build my website, and I think it was more complicated than I thought it would be. One thing that made it difficult was getting to know the features that I can use and how to customize them to make it the way I want to. Once I get used to what and how I can customize the webpage, I believe it would give me more freedom on how I want my website to look. This would be a great advantage over signing up for a hosted service or using social media.

I noticed that I could add a photo gallery as a widget, so I uploaded some photos I had on my computer that I took for a photography class. I could see myself writing blog posts but also keeping a collection of the photos that I take as well.

When uploading pictures to my website, I had trouble adjusting the size of the images. Some were extremely large that they took up a lot of space while some were small. When changing the dimensions, I needed some time to get familiar with how large each pixel value would be.

What I would like to know right now is how to change the font color for the title of the “About me” page. I guess the default is black, but I set the background of my homepage to a tree, so I would like to change it if possible to make the words more visible.

One Comment

  1. Hey An! In response to your font question, you’ll want to use the theme Customizer to add Additional CSS and add a color declaration to the “entry-title class. Something like this

    .entry-title {
    color: red;

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