Week 2 Web Development Fundamentals: The Case for Coding as a Liberal Art

“Many of us in the humanities think our colleagues across the campus in the computer-science department spend most of their time debugging software. This is no more true than the notion that English professors spend most of their time correcting people’s grammar and spelling.”

Matthew G. Kirschenbaum as he writes in “Hello Worlds (why humanities students should learn to program)”

I am of the belief that students of the humanities should learn to code. Allow me to be clear, however, that this statement is not meant to imply that humanities students, even digital humanities students, who have not been exposed to programming are somehow inferior, nor is it meant to place the impetus on the humanities students themselves to go out of their way to learn programming independently. Rather my intention is to emphasize that, much in the same way that I believe that engineering students benefit from taking English classes, and that there is merit to teaching lawyers advanced mathematics, it is my opinion that computer science is a similarly important topic that every student would benefit from being exposed to, specifically during their primary and secondary education.

As a computer science major who didn’t have any programming experience before coming to Carleton, working to make the field of computer science more accessible is something that I think about often. As a student that attended a predominantly low-income charter high school that focused on bridging the acheivement gap, I simply never had the exposure to structured computer science education. For this reason, when advocating for the inclusion of more topics for K-12 educators to cover, I think about the lack of resources many schools have, and the possible unfeasibility of schools providing classes dedicated solely to the study of computer science, to which I turn to classes much like this one that we’re all taking right now, that put a premium on an interdisciplinary approach to computer science, highlighting that technology can be incorporated into pre-existing math, science, and even English classes through subtle alterations to lesson plans rather than through the development of all new classes, ultimately providing students with alternative ways to approach a topic, while simultaneously exposing them to the field of computer science.

import math

An implementation of the quadratic formula as a python program that could be used to expose students to computer science concepts while also teaching them algebra concepts from a different perspective.
def quadratic_formula(a,b,c):
    discriminant = b**2 - 4*a*c
    if discriminant >= 0:
        x_1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / 2*a
        x_2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / 2*a
        return x_1, x_2

I’m forever grateful for my high school English teachers, who taught me to be skeptical of what I read and to be clear with my argumentation, I’ll never forget my Studio Art teacher who pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to express myself in ways I didn’t know possible. My French classes gave me a deeper appreciation for grammatical structure, and even while speaking English I feel as though these courses helped me learn to articulate myself better. Even though I do not plan on pursuing any of these fields vocationally, nor did I love them enough to pursue majors in them, I still feel as though I benefited greatly from exploring them, and do not disagree with Minnesota’s state high school standards requiring that I study them. To that end, I believe that allowing each student to decide for themselves whether or not the field of programming is for them while they’re still in a supportive, educational environment, is an important step towards making the field as accessible as possible.



  1. I enjoyed your post and agree with your perspectives on the interdisciplinary approach to learning computer science. As I was learning simple codes in an intro CS class, I felt that coding was reserved for those who have advanced knowledge and skills. However, taking this class changed my perspective that learning how to code, even as a beginner, allows people to take advantage of a lot more resources available outside of computer science!

  2. Hi Dominic! Your point about accessibility and resources being a barrier for many people to get a formal education in CS is something that I also think about a lot. I attended a fairly well funded public school, but even there they did not have any CS dedicated classes, or crossover between other fields like in the Digital Humanities. It’s such an important thing to consider when talking about CS and technology, because that access at a younger age can be so influential in the future.

    I also really agree with your notion that, regardless of what field you are in, it is beneficial to gain perspectives from other fields as well. Not only do they allow you to think about the world differently, but they also can reveal structural issues in your main discipline that you would otherwise not have seen. Thanks for your post!!

  3. Dominic, I strongly agreed with your post and really appreciated your point about the accessibility of coding. I think more schools should try and incorporate coding into their curriculum and that a knowledge of computer science benefits everyone, not just CS majors. Students can often be intimidated by computer science but if it’s integrated into different sorts of disciplines, as you suggest, then perhaps more people will see how it’s relevant to them and learn to love programming. Introducing computer science to people in this manner can make it more palatable, accessible, and fun.

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